Fani atsiveria: prisipažįsta, kad santykiai su vyruku, kurį ji pasamdė, kad gautų Trumpą

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Fani atsiveria: prisipažįsta, kad santykiai su vyruku, kurį ji pasamdė, kad gautų Trumpą

Fani Willis, the Fulton County, Georgia DA whose personal life has completely upstaged the impact of her election interference case against Donald Trump, has admitted to having a "personal relationship" with a prosecutor she hired to go after the former president - Nathan Wade, the NY Times reports.

The admission came almost a month after allegations of an “improper, clandestine personal relationship” between the two surfaced in a motion from one of Mr. Trump’s co-defendants. The motion seeks to disqualify both prosecutors and Ms. Willis’s entire office from handling the case — an effort that, if successful, would likely sow chaos for an unprecedented state criminal prosecution of a former president.

While the allegations raised in the various motions are salacious and garnered the media attention they were designed to obtain, none provide this Court with any basis upon which to order the relief they seek,” Ms. Willis’s filing said, adding that “the personal relationship between” Ms. Willis and the prosecutor, Nathan J. Wade, “has never involved direct or indirect financial benefit” to Ms. Willis.

Are free tickets to Napa, Florida, and the Caribbean considered an indirect financial benefit? Because according to records filed in the Wade divorce, Wade bought tickets for he and Fani to travel on both Norwegian and Royal Caribbean cruise lines.

Willis has claimed in a Friday filing that her relationship with Wade the personal relationship started after she hired Wade (who divorced his wife the next day). This was in response to an accusation by former Trump campaign official Michael Roman, who alleged that Willis had hired her "boyfriend" as a special prosecutor - hooking him up with lucrative contracts despite his lack of qualifications, and then benefited from the aforementioned vacations.

Willis, however, claims that "financial responsibility for personal travel taken is divided roughly evenly," language that Wade echoed in an affidavit, which added that Willis "received no funds or personal financial gain from my position as Special Prosecutor."

Let's see what Wade's wife has to say about all that... if she can.

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has slapped a subpoena on Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis for failing to comply with document requests related to allegations that Willis fired a whistleblower who tried to stop a top campaign aide from misusing federal funds.

A former employee in the DA's office told Willis that she was demoted after she warned one of Willis' campaign aides against misusing federal grant funding earmarked for a youth gang outreach program, according to a leaked recording of the call reported by the Washington Free Beacon.

As the Beacon's Andrew Kerr reported on Wednesday:

Less than a year into her tenure as Fulton County district attorney, in 2021, Willis met with Amanda Timpson, an employee in the district attorney's office responsible for giving nonviolent juvenile offenders "alternatives to the juvenile court system." During their conversation, a recording of which was reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, Timpson claimed to Willis that she had been demoted after attempting to stop a top Willis campaign aide from misusing federal grant money meant for a youth gang prevention initiative.

According to Timpson, the aide, Michael Cuffee, planned to use part of a $488,000 federal grant—earmarked for the creation of a Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention—to pay for "swag," computers, and travel.

"He wanted to do things with grants that were impossible, and I kept telling him, like, 'We can't do that,'" he told Willis in a Nov. 19, 2021 meeting. "He told everybody … 'We're going to get MacBooks, we're going to get swag, we're going to use it for travel.' I said, 'You cannot do that, it's a very, very specific grant.'"

The subpoena, first reported by NBC News, is part of a broader probe by Jordan and his House Republican colleagues into whether Willis used federal funds while investigating former President Donald Trump, who she indicted last year on charges of attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

In a Friday letter, Jordan accuses Willis of failure to comply with two earlier document requests pertaining to her office's use of federal grant funds, and demands that she provides said documents, plus communications, "referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s receipt and use of federal funds," and "referring or relating to any allegations of the misuse of federal funds."

Willis' office has condemned Jordan's requests, writing last year in a letter to him that there is “no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter.”

Jordan's push for documents follows allegations that the district attorney's office retaliated against an employee who tried to stop what she said was misuse of Justice Department grant funding by a top Willis campaign aide.

According to Jordan, "Instead of using these federal grant funds for the intended purpose of helping at-risk youths, your office sought to use the grant funds to ‘get Macbooks ... swag ... [and] use it for travel,’" adding "Moreover, the whistleblower’s direct supervisor stated that these planned expenditures ‘were part of [your] vision.’"

"These allegations raise serious concerns about whether you were appropriately supervising the expenditure of federal grant funding allocated to your office and whether you took actions to conceal your office’s unlawful use of federal funds."

When will it end with Fani? Who will get to the bottom of this? 

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from

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