Et tu, Marine? Le Pen išdavystė AfD atžvilgiu yra istorinė klaida, galinti sunaikinti Europos dešiniuosius

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Et tu, Marine? Le Pen išdavystė AfD atžvilgiu yra istorinė klaida, galinti sunaikinti Europos dešiniuosius

Marine Le Pen’s catastrophically damaging move against Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) right before the EU parliamentary elections in June is one of the greatest betrayals in the history of the modern right. While Le Pen may never face any real consequences for this betrayal, Europe and Germany most certainly will. The whole fake scandal is a case study in why the right always loses, but it is also much more than that. It may also be one of the final chapters in the story of Europe.

Ostensibly, this was all precipitated after the AfD’s lead candidate, Maximilian Krah, made comments that he would not automatically label someone a war criminal simply because that person served in the Waffen-SS during the Second World War. Notably, the full interview with Krah has not been published in any English-language news reports, so it is important to note what Krah specifically said and what the newspaper La Repubblica actually asked him. Remix News is providing the specific portion of the interview in its full context. Notably, this was also the first question La Repubblica asked Krah:

La Repubblica: “Krah, you said that Germans should be proud of their ancestors. Even if they were SS officers?”

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