JAV, susprogdinusi "Nord Stream" dujotiekius, kuriais Vokietijai buvo tiekiama pigi energija, dabar grasina sankcijomis Vokietijos bankams.

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... JAV, susprogdinusi "Nord Stream" dujotiekius, kuriais Vokietijai buvo tiekiama pigi energija, dabar grasina sankcijomis Vokietijos bankams.

After blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines that provided low-cost energy to Germany, the U.S. is now threatening German banks with sanctions

Money queen and globalist villain Janet Yellen is back in Germany threatening punishment unless German leaders obey her orders to heighten their compliance with Russian sanctions.

The United States Treasury head met with bankers in Frankfurt this week to crack the whip of tyranny now that it is becoming painfully obvious that Russia is winning against Ukraine and everything the corrupt Zelensky regime represents.

Russia continues to procure what Yellen described as "sensitive goods" from Germany as part of its special military operation in Ukraine, and Yellen wants it to stop, or else.

According to Yellen, the U.S. government, aka deep state, has assumed the authority to strike foreign banks such as those in Germany with secondary sanctions if there is even a whiff of Russian military-related transactions.

"I urge all institutions here to take heightened compliance measures and to increase your focus on Russian evasion attempts," Yellen bellowed, threatening to bar Germany and other offending countries from being allowed to use the U.S. dollar – oh no, not that...

Yellen wants more police surveillance of German banks

To be sure that they are obeying her orders, Yellen – who is not an elected leader in Germany, by the way – wants all foreign bank branches and subsidiaries in Germany to be monitored and surveilled to ensure they are doing NATO's dirty work.

Even though Western sanctions against Russia are only hurting the West while helping Russia, Yellen wants them all enforced with an iron fist to ensure that she and the rest of her felonious cronies remain in power forever.

Flipping the script, Yellen told German bankers and leaders that Russia is "desperate" to obtain critical goods from Germany and the U.S., but that these two Western countries need to "remain vigilant to prevent the Kremlin's ability to supply its defense industrial base and to access our financial systems to do so."

Earlier this month, the U.S. Treasury threatened to block Austria's Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) from accessing the American financial system due to its financing of Russian interests.

The West is scared to death, in other words, of Russia and still thinks it can stop the inevitable from happening. You just wait, Yellen, for what comes next for you and your ilk.

RBI is one of just a handful of foreign banks that has chosen not to suspend operations in Russia despite Western sanctions. This is triggering Yellen and other private central bank cartel members who want the bank and others like it to be punished.

U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo recently threatened RBI via a letter, which prompted the Austrian bank to issue a statement claiming it has "significantly reduced" its presence in Russia to avoid punishment from the West.

"RBI will continue to work towards the de-consolidation of its Russian subsidiary," a spokesperson told Reuters.

The European Central Bank, which is controlled by the same people as the Federal Reserve here in the U.S., is also pressuring all banks in the Eurozone to quicken their exits from Russia or else face U.S. sanctions.

All affected banks are being told they have to submit an "action plan" by next month detailing how they will suspend their operations from Russia or else punishment will come.

"Does the U.S. do anything else besides constantly threaten the rest of the world?" one commenter at RT asked. "The more often they do this, the less effective it is." 

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