Vokietija: Prokurorai pradėjo tyrimą po to, kai Užsienio reikalų ministerija apkaltinta apgaulingų vizų išdavimu afganistaniečiams ir libaniečiams migrantams

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Vokietija: Prokurorai pradėjo tyrimą po to, kai Užsienio reikalų ministerija apkaltinta apgaulingų vizų išdavimu afganistaniečiams ir libaniečiams migrantams

Over the past five years, thousands of people have allegedly traveled to Germany with false documents at the behest of the German Foreign Ministry, with several German embassies and consulates reportedly implicated in the scandal. 

Now, prosecutors in Berlin and Cottbus are investigating several employees of the Federal Foreign Office, with the potential for criminal charges. If the prosecutors confirm the allegations, it could mark a major immigration scandal for a government that has been accused of promoting a policy of open borders, including a new law that will accelerate naturalizations and bring in hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of more immigrants through family reunification and other schemes.

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