Britų slaugytojoms liepta atsisakyti suteikti medicininę pagalbą pacientams, kurie "gali būti rasistai

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Britų slaugytojoms liepta atsisakyti suteikti medicininę pagalbą pacientams, kurie "gali būti rasistai

British nurses have been told to deny life-saving medical care to any patient they think ‘might’ be racist or harbour racist thoughts.

Under Orwellian new guidelines, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has granted nurses the right to refuse treatment to patients based on gut instincts. reports: Dr. Sheldon Rubenfeld calls this out as a classic case of ‘countertransference,’ where personal biases creep into patient care.

If healthcare providers start refusing to treat patients based on their personal interpretations of behavior or beliefs, where does it end?

Today, nurses can refuse care over perceived racism; tomorrow, it could be political opinions, religious beliefs, or any other perceived offense.

Watch the full breakdown of this alarming story:

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