Several new studies have found that eating mushrooms can drastically extend the lifespan of humans.
According to scientists, a compound in mushrooms can help extend the human lifespan. One recent study looked into the potential benefits of fungi-derived bioactive compounds on lifespan and health span. The study also highlighted the importance of finding interventions to minimize age-related diseases. reports:Another study published in the Nutrition Journal investigated the health benefits of mushrooms. Researchers found that mushroom consumption is linked to a longer lifespan. They credited this benefit to mushrooms’ high content of ergothioneine, an antioxidant amino acid found in fungi and bacteria.
While conducting the study, researchers reviewed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The 20-year prospective cohort study involved 15,000 participants.
Results revealed that the people who included mushrooms in their diet had a 16 percent lower chance of early death.
The researchers also discovered that consuming one serving of mushrooms per day instead of processed meat reduced the chances of dying prematurely from any cause by at least 35 percent.
The research team explained that this benefit may be due to ergothioneine’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. They also suggested that ergothioneine’s anti-aging properties could stem from its ability to protect against telomere shortening.
Research shows ergothioneine has protective effects on telomeres
Telomeres are usually described as protective “caps” for chromosomes. These long strings of delicate, elaborately folded DNA act like the protective plastic tips on shoelaces that help prevent fraying and damage.
Longer telomeres are associated with better cellular health and are also usually linked with longevity.
But telomeres naturally shorten over time, which makes them less able to preserve the structure of chromosomes. Shorter telomeres are linked with aging and chronic degenerative disease.
In a study with participants over 60, those with shorter telomeres were three times more likely to die of heart disease than those with longer telomeres. They were also at least eight times more likely to die from infections.
In another preliminary study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements in 2022, a research team discovered that treating cells with ergothioneine for eight weeks alleviated telomere shortening from oxidative stress. They suggested that this can help potentially avoid mutations in DNA that could cause cancer.
The researchers concluded that the results support “a potential role for ergothioneine in oxidative stress-related conditions and healthy aging.” Ergothioneine also supports longevity by helping to replenish and recycle glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant.
Data also suggests that ergothioneine offers a valuable “trifecta” of anti-aging gifts: supporting longer telomeres, protecting DNA and recycling glutathione.
Mushrooms can support optimal brain health
In a separate study, scientists found that people over 60 were found to display lower levels of ergothioneine. They added that those over 60 with mild age-related cognitive impairment showed even sharper declines in this important amino acid.
This is bad because ergothioneine, which helps protect brain cells from oxidative stress, is believed to help aging adults maintain healthy cognition and memory.
Test tube and animal studies have indicated that ergothioneine may also help support memory by creating new neurons or brain cells.
In a trial published in the Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, the research team gave both healthy adults and those with mild cognitive impairment a mushroom extract containing 5 mg of ergothioneine a day for 12 weeks.
They found that the supplementation resulted in significant improvements in verbal memory, working memory and sustained attention for both the healthy and the mildly impaired volunteers.
Aside from its anti-aging properties, ergothioneine also helps support a healthy immune system, promotes optimal cardiovascular function and supports healthy skin.
Ergothioneine is even used in skincare serums and creams to reduce the appearance of fine lines and soothe redness and irritation. It is also used in products that help fight against damage and photoaging caused by ultraviolet radiation.