Tyrėjai: Tyrėjai: "McDonald's" maistas "suteptas" mirusių vaikų palaikais

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Tyrėjai: Tyrėjai: "McDonald's" maistas "suteptas" mirusių vaikų palaikais

First they smuggled horse meat into the meat supply. Then came the mysterious “pink slime.” Now, we have evidence of human meat in the food supply.

The elite are determined to strip us of nourishing, traditional meat sources and instead force-feed us bugs, crickets, and even more disturbing alternatives like feces and human meat. Their agenda is becoming clearer by the day.

Allegations of tainted meat in the supply chain of one of the world’s largest fast-food chains just won’t disappear — and it’s no surprise, given that McDonald’s partnered with globalist eugenicist Bill Gates to supply key ingredients for their Frankenfoods.

Gates snapped up an unprecedented amount of US farmland in recent years, becoming America’s biggest landowner, and providing McDonalds with the potatoes for their French Fries.

Why was Gates, the man who has vowed to depopulate the world, so laser-focused on partnering with McDonalds on their popular French Fries?

For the record, we are talking about the same French Fries that have been found to contain 19 dangerous ingredients and more cancer causing chemicals than a packet of cigarettes.

If you think that is disturbing, wait until you learn about the scandal that just won’t go away.

According to credible estimates, McDonalds Corporation has spent upwards of $100 million and counting on legal fees attempting to brush this scandal under the carpet and yet the controversy continues to grow as investigators uncover further evidence of impropriety.

It gets even worse when you understand the FBI uncovered a shocking scandal allegedly involving “human remains” found at a Detroit business linked to McDonald’s supposedly 100 percent beef patties supply.

It gets even worse still when you understand the “human remains” were allegedly the remains of young children.

This is not a simple case of spoiled meat or unhygienic conditions; this is something far more sinister and disturbing.

Since 2015, children’s teeth have been found in McDonald’s sausages, potatoes and pancakes in various Japanese cities. 

In 2018, children’s teeth were found in a sausage muffin.

At the time, McDonald’s Japan held press conferences, though did not mention the causes of the human remains that were traced to children’s teeth.

They confirmed the meat came from their headquarters in the US and even tried to shift responsibility onto their customers.

We shouldn’t be surprised. The global elite thrive on mocking and degrading humanity.

McDonalds Corporation, the world’s leading dealer of GMOs and Frankenfoods, have been deceiving the public about what is really on their menu for decades as they continued using pink slime to make their beef patties.

A combination of ammonium hydroxide and the off-cuts of beef usually sold only as highly processed dog food, pink slime is just one of the mystery ingredients served up to the public by McDonalds Corporation.

British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver exposed the scandal on his TV show Jamie’s Food Revolution.

There is just one problem. As soon as the scandal blew over, McDonalds started using pink slime again. Can we trust them about anything they say?

Future generations will look back at the likes of Bill Gates and McDonalds with horror.

They will be astonished that the billionaire and multinational corporation was allowed by the FDA to perform what is essentially a sick and twisted science experiment on the world’s population, damaging the health of millions of unsuspecting people in the process.

McDonalds aim their advertising squarely at children and adolescents, trying to hook them on their chemical-laden addictive products while they are young and vulnerable – and all in the name of profit over all else.



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