Kanada pradės eutanaziją milijonams COVID vakcina sužeistų piliečių

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Kanada pradės eutanaziją milijonams COVID vakcina sužeistų piliečių

Justin Trudeau’s government has begun euthanizing Canadian citizens suffering from severe injuries linked to the COVID vaccines – the same vaccines that his administration mandated and coerced the majority of the population to take.

As the body bags pile up and more vaccine-injured individuals step forward, the Trudeau government’s socialized medical system faces a sobering reality: healthcare for the affected is projected to cost billions, and lawsuits could financially cripple both the government and Big Pharma.

The nation that once prided itself on being open-minded and tolerant, now has a regime that is euthanizing citizens with low social credit scores – and the reality on the ground is so terrifying that the media have been ordered to cover up the story.

Socialized health care systems are at the heart of the globalist elite agenda to seize control and enslave humanity.

First the elite convinced the masses in countries like the UK to bang their pots and pans to save the socialized healthcare system.

Fast forward a few years and the same socialized healthcare systems that are responsible for vaccinating hundreds of millions of people want you to pop yourself into a suicide pod to do your part.

Are you still clapping?

Welcome to the New World Order where the government is controlled by a cabal located in a Swiss mountain retreat and when they consider you “useless” they send you letters politely organizing your upcoming death by lethal injection.

I am not describing a dystopian future. I am talking about the here and now.

Meet the man the Canadian government just killed because he was suffering from severe Covid vaccine injuries that they caused.

Identified only as “Mr. A” by Canada’s socialized healthcare system, the man experienced “suffering and functional decline” following two Covid vaccinations and a booster.

These vaccines pushed on him by the government destroyed his health and lifestyle and he began suffering from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and personality disorders.

Canada’s healthcare system didn’t give Mr. A any options for treatment of his various government-inflicted health problems. They didn’t give him anti-depressants, counseling for his PTSD, or anti-anxiety medication.

They simply told him it was his time to die. He had become “useless” according to the elite and therefore it was time for him to shuffle off this mortal coil.

How did we get to a place where the Canadian government are euthanizing citizens they injured with the deady vaccines they pushed on society?

First, the government began euthanizing people with mental health issues.

Then they came for people with disabilities, including “mild hearing loss.”

Then they moved to legalize the euthanasia of infants who are deemed “useless” to society.

Such is the enthusiasm for killing as many people as possible, a 42-year-old Canadian man is suing a hospital after secretly recording doctors discussing euthanizing him against his will.

And don’t think that being a decorated military veteran and Paralympic Games medalist will save you from the wrath of the state.

Social credit scores can fall fast.

Five years into a battle to obtain a stair-lift for her home, Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier found out the Canadian state had scheduled her for death.

Klaus Schwab’s agenda to normalize state euthanasia, supported by Trudeau, has real-world consequences. People are now dying against their will, joining the long list of millions of people murdered by far-left governments in history.

The history books will tell you the Soviet Gulag State murdered 61 million citizens, Mao’s Communist Chinese Ant Hill murdered 35 million Chinese, and the Nazi Genocide state murdered upwards of 20 million people.

If Klaus Schwab and the cabal succeed, their far-left, technocratic world government will surpass anything we’ve seen before.

Under the WEF’s depopulation agenda, billions would be eliminated, while the remaining population will live under a tightly controlled social credit system.

If what we have covered in this video sounds horrible to you, congratulations you are still human and appear to have evaded the globalist brainwashing pumped out by the elite in recent years.

It’s important to point out that Canada is not an outlier. They were merely the testing ground for the global elite’s dystopian vision and now the rest of the WEF-infiltrated governments are following suit.

Globalist billionaire and eugenics enthusiast Bill Gates wasn’t joking when he said we will soon have death panels and death pods to eliminate the useless on every street corner.

Just as WEF-infiltrated governments rolled out the COVID vaccines which killed millions and injured and maimed even more, they are now planning to roll out a strict Chinese-style social credit system to enslave humanity and patrol the herd for the “useless” who must die.

We know this because Klaus Schwab can’t stop telling us that China is the ultimate society. He becomes clearly aroused every time he talks about it.

This is the brutal, murderous world Schwab, Gates and their associates at the World Economic Forum are determined to roll out as part of their Great Reset.

We can’t allow their evil logic to become the new normal. We can’t allow the globalist elite to implement their plans for China’s social credit score system in the western world.



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