Lenkija nusileidžia ES ir atidaro dešimtis užsieniečių integracijos centrų migrantams

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Lenkija nusileidžia ES ir atidaro dešimtis užsieniečių integracijos centrų migrantams

FILE - A group of some 30 migrants seeking asylum are seen in Białowieża, Poland, on Sunday, May 28, 2023, through a wall that Poland has built on its border with Belarus to stop massive migrant pressure. (AP Photo/Agnieszka Sadowska)
Having previously remarked with great approval that Eastern Europe remains, by and large, in juxtaposition to the Western half of the continent, steadfast in its Europeanness, I may be forced to eat my words.

Indeed, a Japanese Instagram influencer stopped me on the street in Krakow recently, requested an interview me because I “looked cool” (he didn’t elaborate on why; maybe he just tells everyone that to stroke their ego), and then asked a barrage of very touristy, social media-type questions, like what my favorite thing about Krakow was.

I was tempted to say “all the white people,” but instead more diplomatically said that “it looks like Europe still.”

The Japanese appreciating cultural homogeneity, I think he caught my drift and nodded in approval.  

Alas, it appears the EU and the multinational NGOs that facilitate replacement migration have made serious inroads into Poland, which is currently and tragically led by a liberal coalition.

Via Remix (emphasis added):

The Polish government is setting up 49 Foreigners’ Integration Centres (CICs) across the country, aimed at helping newly arrived migrants integrate into Polish society, the European Commission announced this week.

The centers, designed as “one-stop shops,” will provide standardized services, including language courses, legal assistance, and psychological care, and will work with NGOs to cater to a large influx of immigration from outside the European Union under the left-liberal coalition government led by former Eurocrat Donald Tusk.

The initiative, led by Poland’s Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Policy, will see CICs established by marshal offices in collaboration with institutions that work with migrants in local communities.”

I predict a tsunami of gang-rapes on the way for the good and tolerant Poles — the Germany treatment, if you will. Maybe the liberal government can set up “integration centers” for that, just to facilitate/expedite the process.

Meanwhile, over in culturally enriched Sweden, the migrants have been running hog wild for many years now, treating the natives to a real taste of the precious bounty of Diversity™ — so much so that the governing authorities are now offering $35,000 ransoms to any of them who are willing to repatriate to their homelands.

Via Human Events (emphasis added):

“In a controversial and desperate move, the country has begun offering immigrants who struggle to integrate a hefty sum—$35,000—to return to their home countries. The so-called “remigration payment” is pitched as a win-win.

Immigrants get a financial cushion to start over, and Sweden is spared the long-term strain on its welfare system…

Suburban neighborhoods, once the picture of tranquility, are routinely rocked by explosions. Smoke chokes the air, and the sound of sirens is constant as families huddle in fear. Gang violence has reached a level once unimaginable. Rival factions are not just fighting for territory anymore; they are going after each other's loved ones, targeting schools and homes…

The Scandinavian nation is now grappling with an alarming surge in violent crime across the board, and one of the most disturbing trends is the spike in sexual offenses. Cases of rape, aggravated rape, attempted rape, and similar crimes have skyrocketed in recent years.”

Take a look at this handy graph from Statista — which the ADL would surely classify as hate speech — for a visual illustration of the sex crime epidemic over the past decade which just so happens to coincide with mass migration.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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