Trudeau sako, kad kova su klimato kaita yra svarbesnė nei vaikų maitinimas

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Trudeau sako, kad kova su klimato kaita yra svarbesnė nei vaikų maitinimas

Canadian Prime Minsiter Trudeau believes that fighting ‘climate change’ is more important than paying rent or feeding our children.

After flying thousands of miles in a goernment jet, on the taxpayers’ dime of course, Trudeau told a G20 panel that fighting so-called “climate change” should be more important to families than putting food on the table or paying rent. 

He made the comments while speaking at the Global Citizen conference at the G20 World Leaders’ Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, on Sunday.

Lifesite News reports: He defended his government’s carbon tax, framing the increase in costs to Canadians as a necessary “priority.”

Speaking to the panel, Trudeau commented that it is “really, really easy” to “put climate change as a slightly lower priority” when one has “to be able to pay the rent this month” or “buy groceries” for their “kids,” but insisted that “we can’t do that around climate change.”

Trudeau then blamed the Canadian populace for speaking out against his carbon tax, saying “unfortunately, we have an awful lot of public amplification of the kind of narrative that is directly opposed to that,” referring to those who prioritize shelter and food over his government’s “climate change” tax schemes. 

As reported by LifeSiteNews, a survey found that nearly half of Canadians are just $200 away from financial ruin as the costs of housing, food and other necessities has gone up massively since Trudeau took power in 2015.

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