WEF Insider: Elitas planuoja trečiąjį pasaulinį karą "per kelias savaites", kad atstatytų pasaulį iš branduolinių pelenų

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... WEF Insider: Elitas planuoja trečiąjį pasaulinį karą "per kelias savaites", kad atstatytų pasaulį iš branduolinių pelenų

The stakes have never been higher. The global elite – who know their days are numbered following Trump’s election win – are pushing us toward World War 3, all to protect their money laundering operation in Ukraine and advance their dystopian agendas.

Now, with Biden’s approval for Ukraine to use U.S. long-range weapons inside Russia, the globalists have crossed a red line: an unconstitutional act of war that risks igniting the nuclear catastrophe we’ve long feared.

You want the reality of it? In just 72 minutes of nuclear exchange, 60% of the world’s population—five billion people—will either be vaporized instantly or suffer an excruciating death from radiation. The survivors wouldn’t fare much better, living in a modern hellscape, as nuclear winter plunges us into chaos. Society as we know it would collapse.

And for what? To protect corrupt interests, spark a global power grab, and depopulate the globe? The psychopathic elite must be stopped before they can fulfill their vision of global control at any cost.

Last week, the world took notice when President Joe Biden appeared unusually cheerful and at ease during his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump. Some speculated his sunny demeanor hinted that he was pleased Trump had defeated Harris, his VP who usurped him as the Democratic presidential nominee.

But you can never trust a globalist, and it seems they have one last trick up their sleeves before Biden’s time in office ends.

The global elite are cornered, and they know their grip on power is slipping. Desperation is setting in, pushing them toward drastic measures.

For decades, they’ve been orchestrating plans to ignite World War 3—a calculated move to establish a New World Order and consolidate control under a one-world government.

Now, with time running out, the globalist ghouls are racing to execute their agenda before it’s too late.

As RFK noted, the anonymous men in lanyards who are currently running US foreign policy want to start World War 3 before they leave the White House.

Deep State financier, Alex Soros is openly celebrating the escalation of the war.

While the Pentagon has conveniently managed to lose track of trillions of dollars, just like they did before 9/11 happened.

They’re not even pretending anymore. The push for World War 3 is out in the open, and the global elites in Davos, with their “Young Global Leaders” installed in key Western governments like Canada and the UK, are on a mission.

Their goal? To “Trump-proof” their war efforts, ensuring there are no obstacles to their plans, and they are openly calling for more bloodshed and death in Ukraine to achieve it.

Sweden knows that war is coming, warning citizens to stockpile food and water to prepare for conflict between NATO and Russia.

Everybody who is anybody in Europe knows the plans for a false flag operation to ignite the war are already well underway. 

Former British MP Andrew Bridgen has been informed by British intelligence services that the global elite plan to detonate a nuclear dirty bomb in Europe to force more nations to enter the war, opening the gates of hell and allowing the elite to achieve their goals before Trump’s inauguration.

A false flag attack in a European city would not be the first time that NATO forces employed a false flag attack during the Russia-Ukraine war.

Veteran US journalist Seymour Hersh presented compelling evidence the US blew up the Nord Stream pipelines because Washington was unhappy with Germany’s lack of support for Ukraine.

NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg has been desperate to bring more parties into the war, citing Russia as an expansionist threat, despite the fact Russian forces have remained stationed within Russian territory for decades, while NATO forces have been steadily crawling closer and closer to Russian borders.

Is de-funding NATO the best move President-elect Trump could make to ensure world peace?

Cutting NATO funding would be a bold first step, but dismantling the WEF would be a game-changer.

According to a WEF insider, Klaus Schwab is allegedly orchestrating a plan to push globalist leaders toward triggering World War 3—a calculated move designed to create chaos and destruction. The ultimate goal? To pave the way for the elite to dismantle the existing order and rebuild it in their vision of centralized control.

Klaus Schwab, the co-founder of the World Economic Forum, has long pursued his vision of a centralized, dystopian future under elite control. But according to a Davos insider, he now sees time slipping away.

With growing resistance to globalist agendas, Schwab allegedly believes his “endgame” must be executed swiftly—before January 20—ushering in the ultimate shift toward the enslavement of the human race.

But the global elite are not going to have it all their own way.

Putin is determined to destroy the Illuminati, describing the destruction of the world’s most notorious organization as the “most important legacy” he could possibly leave behind, and according to Kremlin sources he understands the role of Islam in the Illuminati’s plan to start World War 3.

Putin is a keen student of history and Albert Pike’s “sequence of three world wars prediction” is of particular interest to the Russian president.

Pike was a top Illuminati Grand Wizard, a notorious Luciferian, and a General for the Confederacy in the American civil war. In the 1880s he openly stated that Islam will be the central component in World War 3, and that the Illuminati will lead Islam into direct confrontation with the West.

We have already seen what the New World Order has done with Islam. They have used it to foment a crisis, a clash of civilisations. Make no mistake, the Illuminati is using Islam to achieve its goals.

Do not underestimate the power of the global elite to spark World War 3 through a false flag. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on record saying that sometimes that “sometimes a false flag is needed to force a nation into war.”

They have done it before and if we fall for their lies, they will do it again.


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