JK baruose ir klubuose pradedami naudoti skaitmeniniai tapatybės dokumentai

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... JK baruose ir klubuose pradedami naudoti skaitmeniniai tapatybės dokumentai

Next year people in the UK will be expected to use their smartphone to prove their age and identity as the first step of moving state functions online

Under the legal changes due to take effect in 2025, customers will be asked to use government digital ID cards to prove they are old enough to drink alcohol.

The move is part of a wider effort to transfer state functions online so that people are able to prove their identity for everything from an app. on their phone.

The Express reports: The worry of forgetting your driving licence or passport when buying alcohol will soon be a distant memory as government-backed digital ID cards will be introduced in 2025.

Individuals will soon be able to prove they are old enough to buy a drink by signing up to a certified company where they will be able to use an app to show their age and identity – the government will set the standards for security and reliability.

The move is part of a wider effort to transfer state functions online so that people are able to prove their identity for everything from an app. This includes visiting pubs, restaurants and shops as well as opening a bank account and paying taxes. 

Current online systems use a two-step identification process, yet the new app will use a “single sign-on” allowing for better user experience. 

The new changes are currently being passed through the Data Bill before Parliament. If successfully enacted, the digital identity services can seek government certification and will be able to join a Gov.uk register to display the trust mark. 

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