Kas čia vyksta? Tyrėjai Tenesio VA ligoninėje atskleidė orgijas ir darbuotojų seksą valstybinėje teritorijoje - vienas VA pareigūnas turėjo lytinių santykių su 32 skirtingais darbuotojais

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Kas čia vyksta? Tyrėjai Tenesio VA ligoninėje atskleidė orgijas ir darbuotojų seksą valstybinėje teritorijoje - vienas VA pareigūnas turėjo lytinių santykių su 32 skirtingais darbuotojais

Congressional and internal investigations into sexual misconduct at the Mountain Home VA Medical Center in Tennessee have led to the resignation of several top VA officials as investigators discovered widespread sexual misconduct among employees.

At least 12 officials reportedly had an orgy, potentially at the hospital, though details on the location are still unclear. At least two employees admitted to having sex on the VA hospital property.

This discovery comes after House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mike Bost (R-Ill.) fired off an August 9, 2024 letter to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough, demanding information regarding “allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and improper interpersonal relationships” at the VA hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee.

“To date, the Biden-Harris administration has not responded to this inquiry. To allow the Committee to fully investigate these disturbing allegations, VA should begin immediately providing answers to this inquiry on a rolling basis,” reads a September 5 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs press release.

“Since Chairman Bost’s first letter to you on this topic, on July 25, 2024, whistleblowers have been in communication with Committee staff and provided further details on the allegations and information regarding additional allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and improper interpersonal relationships at the Mountain Home VA, which facility leadership allegedly did not address properly, that were previously unknown to Committee staff. This new information is extremely disturbing and leads us to believe there may be a serious culture problem at the Mountain Home VA,” the Committee writes in its August letter to VA Secretary McDonough.

Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) and Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) provided comments to local WJHL in August on the investigation of the VA facility in their home state.

Harshbarger told the station, “I support the ongoing investigation led by Chairman Mike Bost and look forward to a timely discovery of the facts and resolution to the issue. Absolutely nothing should stand in the way of our Veterans getting the care that they deserve. My office remains open to all whistleblowers who wish to confidentially share any information regarding misconduct with any agency.”

Blackburn said, “The allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault at the VA Medical Center in Mountain Home are serious and disgusting, and American taxpayers deserve thorough and immediate answers from the Inspector General’s ongoing investigation. This is not the first time the VA has been the subject of scandal under the Biden-Harris administration, and any responsible parties must be held accountable.”

A Congressional aide familiar with the investigation told Breitbart, “The fact that the culture would even allow this to happen in the first place is absolutely wild and it all starts at the top.”

Per Breitbart:

Congressional investigators discovered that one man who resigned, whose name they would not tell Breitbart News but sources familiar say was a bargaining unit biomedical employee, had dozens of sexual relationships with women who worked at the Mountain Home VA medical center in Tennessee. In fact, the congressional investigators told Breitbart News this one man slept with no fewer than 32 different women who worked there—and the man and several of the women bragged about their exploits on an online group forum on a government communication portal that VA officials use to communicate about veteran healthcare and facility operations.

What’s more, sources familiar with the congressional investigation told Breitbart News they uncovered that an orgy of at least 12 officials who work at the facility took place. It’s unclear at this time whether the orgy happened on government property at the VA facility or off-site—but the mere fact that a dozen of the government workers employed there did this is astounding.

This scandal threatens to upend the closing days of outgoing Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration and could engulf senior officials like VA Secretary Denis McDonough. McDonough was former President Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff for Obama’s second term before Biden later named him to be the VA Secretary in this administration. Former President Donald Trump, now the president-elect again as he won the 2024 presidential election in a landslide, has named former Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) to lead the VA in his incoming administration. Collins may find serious issues from the Biden administration to clean up on this front as he takes office after he presumably is confirmed by the U.S. Senate early next year.

In addition to the biomedical employee—the man who investigators say had sex with 32 different women who work there—several other officials have also resigned as the investigations have intensified. The director of the Mountain Home facility also resigned, and at least two other employees there have resigned.

This is a developing story.

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