FDA studentų tyrimų mokslininkai apstulbinti radę DNR užterštumą "Pfizer" mRNA vakcinose

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... FDA studentų tyrimų mokslininkai apstulbinti radę DNR užterštumą "Pfizer" mRNA vakcinose

Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccines contain residual DNA levels vastly exceeding regulatory safety limits, according to a peer-reviewed study by FDA research scientists.

The research was conducted by student scientists at the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) White Oak Campus lab in Maryland and was published this week in the Journal of High School Science.

Residual DNA refers to small fragments of genetic material left behind during the manufacturing of vaccines or medicines.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, a single vaccine dose should not exceed 10 nanograms of residual DNA. Yet a recent study revealed that Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccines contain residual DNA levels surpassing this limit by six to 470 times.

Although the study stated that the health risks of these fragments are “currently unknown,” experts warn that genetic fragments in mRNA gene therapy products could overstimulate the immune system, potentially leading to cancer.

The first peer-reviewed scientific paper to identify residual DNA in mRNA vaccines revealed that Pfizer’s vaccines contain levels surpassing this limit by six to 470 times.

Researchers warned that these DNA fragments could theoretically integrate into human DNA, increasing the risk of gene mutations. They also flagged the potential presence of oncogenes—genes that can trigger cancer—and called for immediate further testing to determine the risks.

Despite the concerning findings by its own researchers, the FDA has remained silent. For years, U.S. regulatory authorities have dismissed reports of DNA contamination in Covid-19 vaccines, claiming they are a “conspiracy theory.”

Kevin McKernan, founder of Medicinal Genomics, called the study’s revelations a “bombshell.” He cautioned that residual DNA fragments could overstimulate the immune system, potentially “fueling cancer growth.”

In an interview with investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi, McKernan emphasized the cumulative risks posed by repeated Covid-19 booster shots. “Repeated exposure to foreign DNA through Covid-19 boosters may amplify this risk over time, creating conditions conducive to cancer development,” he said.

Nikolai Petrovsky, an immunology professor and head of the Australian biotech company Vaxine, described the findings as a “smoking gun” and criticized the FDA for a lack of transparency.

“The study clearly shows the FDA was aware of these data,” Petrovsky asserted, noting that the research was conducted in an FDA lab under its supervision.

The study analyzed vaccine samples obtained from BEI Resources, a supplier associated with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Using NanoDrop and Qubit methods, researchers detected DNA contamination well above acceptable thresholds in six vials from two separate vaccine lots.

Whether the FDA will respond or continue to cover up the findings and gaslight the public remains to be seen.  

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