Įsiutusi Liz Cheney ragina deportuoti Eloną Muską už USAID sukčiavimo atskleidimą

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Įsiutusi Liz Cheney ragina deportuoti Eloną Muską už USAID sukčiavimo atskleidimą

Former Rep. Liz Cheney has called for Elon Musk to be expelled from the United States after he exposed USAID as being a Democrat money laundering scam.

Cheney’s harsh remarks began when Mike Benz, executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, noted Cheney’s USAID connections. On Tuesday, he declared on X: “Liz Cheney, who led Trump’s impeachment and the mass imprisonment campaign against thousands of Trump supporters, was spawned out of USAID.” He linked to an X post from Dec. 24, 2024, in which he provided evidence that Cheney had worked at USAID for Richard Armitage, who was deputy security of state during George W. Bush’s first term. Cheney, according to Benz’s source, worked at the State Department on “democracy promotion.” 

Pjmedia.com reports: Given what we have now learned about USAID, this raises all sorts of red flags about Cheney, and Elon Musk noticed. He responded to Benz’s post with one word: “Interesting.” 

And it was, but that was enough to set touchy ol’ Liz Cheney off. “Damn right, @Elon,” she wrote. “I’m proud of what America did to win the Cold War, defeat Soviet communism, and defend democracy. Our nation stood for freedom. You may be unfamiliar with that part of our history since you weren’t yet an American citizen.” Wait a minute, Liz. We thought Orange Man was Bad precisely because he didn’t want to welcome everyone in the world and put them on our welfare rolls. And now you’re throwing shade at Elon Musk for not being born in the United States? 

Former Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones fired back at Cheney with an accusation: “You care more about illegals coming to this country stealing from this country than @elon giving to this country.” Sure looked that way.

Cheney’s sneering at Musk for not being an American just didn’t make any sense, at least apart from the fact that the political establishment claims to be the embodiment of compassion, but actually has nothing but contempt for the American people. The recent revelations about USAID confirm that in spades by showing that taxpayer money that was supposed to go to the poor and needy of the world was actually lining the pockets of “journalists” at AP, Politico, the New York Times, and elsewhere, so as to ensure that the American people were thoroughly saturated with the establishment line. And that was, of course, by no means all that USAID has been up to. 

Benz wrote Wednesday that “it’s worth noting Liz Cheney didn’t just work at USAID, she worked *specifically* on the Russia and Ukraine portfolio at USAID. When I talk about the ‘Seize Eurasia’ side of the Blob and its motivations for taking out Trump with Russiagate, you’re looking at the face of it.” He added: Remember it was this same USAID portfolio around Ukraine – Russia that paid its own mercenary media group, with US taxpayer money, to essentially write hit-pieces-for-hire and to dig up dirt on Rudy Giuliani, leading to the impeachment of Trump over Ukraine – Russia matters.”

Benz also pointed out that “from Liz Cheney to Barack Obama, a lot of people still don’t appreciate how much of America’s political aristocracy class grew up in USAID families.” Wow, what a coincidence! The White House said in a statement: “For decades, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been unaccountable to taxpayers as it funnels massive sums of money to the ridiculous — and, in many cases, malicious — pet projects of entrenched bureaucrats, with next-to-no oversight.” It looks as if it also served as a finishing school for the next generation of the political and media elites.

But now the light is being shone upon all this, and Cheney’s outraged and defensive reaction is telling. Musk and Trump appear to be right over the target and should keep up the pressure on USAID. Who knows? The entire leftist political edifice could be on the verge of tumbling down.

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