Buvęs CDC vadovas įspėja, kad paukščių gripas gali tapti "didžiąja pandemija" Nori, kad būtų išslaptinta Covid žvalgybos informacija

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Buvęs CDC vadovas įspėja, kad paukščių gripas gali tapti "didžiąja pandemija" Nori, kad būtų išslaptinta Covid žvalgybos informacija

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Robert Redfield has called on the federal government to declassify its COVID-19 documents and also warned Americans that bird flu could be the next pandemic to wreak havoc on society.

While speaking with News Nation this week, Dr. Redfield said he’s seen the classified information, and told viewers: “I’m anxious to see it all declassified.”

InfoWars reports: Hinting at what the documents would reveal, the doctor said, “Obviously, there’s geopolitical reasons that they’re keeping this classified. I don’t think it’s warranted. It should be declassified.”

Redfield also said it’s “obvious” that COVID-19 was “educated,” or taught how to infect humans via gain-of-function research, by scientists at the Wuhan lab.

Regarding gain-of-function, the doctor explained he’s been calling for a moratorium on the research for years.

“I think it puts our world at great risk. We have a risk of natural spillover, but there is a species barrier. I’m obviously most worried about Bird Flu. Right now, it takes five amino acid change for it to be effectively infecting humans. That’s a pretty heavy species barrier, but this virus is already now in 26 mammal species, as you saw most recently in cattle. But in the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in months. Because it’s been published which five amino acids I need to change, and so I don’t think that research should be done. That’s the real threat, that’s the real biosecurity threat that these university labs are doing bio-experiments that are INTENTIONALLY modifying viruses – and Bird Flu I think is going to be the cause of the great pandemic – where they are teaching these viruses to be more infectious for humans.

This alarming warning should send shockwaves across the world, and every American should be calling their elected officials to demand an end to gain-of-function research.

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