"Olympics Insider": Šimtai vaikų buvo kankinami ir nužudyti per "šėtoniškas" žaidynes, skirtas elitiniams pedofilams

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... "Olympics Insider": Šimtai vaikų buvo kankinami ir nužudyti per "šėtoniškas" žaidynes, skirtas elitiniams pedofilams

Hundreds of children have been trafficked to Paris for the deranged pleasure of the global elite who have gathered in the French capital for the quadrennial Luciferian celebration of the Olympic Games.

Dignitaries, politicians, celebrities and royalty have flown in from all around the world, not to watch men and women run around a track or throw a javelin, but so they can take part behind closed doors in the most depraved and sickening occult rituals in the elite’s four-year calendar.

While the mainstream media is obsessed with the events taking place in the pool, the track, and on gymnastics mats, the pedophile elite are more interested in taking part in what they call “The Most Dangerous Game,” or more simply, “The Hunt.”

This years Games in Paris is the first time the elite have have relaxed their secrecy around the real agenda of the global gathering and celebration of all things Satanic, as they feel emboldened to reveal to the public who they really are.

They are not even hiding the Satanic rituals anymore.

The ceremony was obsessed with skulls, motifs of death, Satanic red lighting, and the recurring image of children trapped in tunnels.

And of course drag queens, one of whom had his testicles on show for the whole world, who were used to mock Christianity and the iconic image of the Last Supper.

As though that wasn’t obvious enough, the ceremony featured a pale horse, straight out of the Book of Revelations, mocking Christian prophecy and suggesting the Armageddon is about to arrive.

Unfortunately for hundreds of child victims who have been trafficked to Paris for the depraved pleasure of the pedophile elite, their personal Armageddon has arrived.

The modern Olympic Games are based on the ancient Greek Olympics, which was essentially a celebration of the ancient Greek custom of pedophilia and man-boy love. Some things don’t change.

Emmanuel Macron, the former Rothschild banker who was groomed as a boy by his pedophile teacher, presided over the Satanic opening ceremony, presenting a rictus grin to the world as the elite revealed their agenda through the use of signs and symbols.

Macron’s position as the global elite’s puppet leader of France is in itself highly symbolic.

The victim of a transgender pedophile, the troubled young Macron was recruited by Klaus Schwab as the model Young Global Leader, and selected to lead France into economic and cultural decline.

Under Macron’s leadership, degeneracy has been promoted and cultural decline has been complete.

Satanists including Thomas Jolly, who is responsible for creating the Luciferian opening ceremony, have been promoted to positions of power and influence.

There is no such thing as coincidences and nobody should be surprised that adrenochrome queens Celine Dion and Lady Gaga were in Paris for the global gathering and played central and highly symbolic roles in the Luciferian ceremony.

Lady Gaga is a close friend of Marina Abramovic and they have become increasingly shameless in promoting the elites’ interest in children and the harvesting of blood from their pineal glands.

Many survivors have told the same disturbing story of human hunting parties in the Royal forests of France, Belgium and Netherlands. It has been documented in art work for centuries.

This barbaric practice has been enjoyed by the elite for centuries and continues to this day on certain dates during gatherings of the global elite.

While there are variations, the young victims are usually stripped naked and turned loose in a secured wilderness area while men and their dogs ruthlessly hunt them.

Many global Illuminati members are addicted to the thrill of this “sport” as it satisfies their sexual perversions.

It also assists in traumatizing mind-control victims because the Luciferian sport follows the dictum “Do as thou wilt.” There are no rules. Anything goes. Many of the children are raped and killed. Many are terrorized and used for the purpose of extracting adrenochrome for the pleasure of those in elite circles.

The elite call it “A Most Dangerous Game” and because their occult religion requires them to reveal their methods to the masses, they have made numerous movies celebrating their depraved pastime.

In recent decades the elite have used The Simpsons to reveal their methods to the masses, and their depraved interest in hunting and sacrificing humans is another example of this revelation.

Fear and trauma is the crack cocaine of the elite.

Cathy O’Brien and her daughter were victims of this evil “game.”

As O’Brien explains, Bill and Hillary Clinton were willing participants when she was unfortunate enough to be involved.

According to O’Brien, you would be sickened at how many famous world leaders and corporate elites participate in these games – it’s beyond your comprehension.

Like everything Satanic, the Games and the child sexual abuse they are based on are steeped in lies and deception.

The occult elite are determined to turn the entire world into Sodom and Gomorrah and the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was a blatant example of this.

But as this depraved ceremony progressed, the rain kept intensifying, as if God was attempting to extinguish the hell fires.

While Macron claimed the ceremony was inclusive and a huge success, in reality it was divisive.

They said it was about love, but it was actually about death, destruction, and hate.

While they said it was about France’s glory, it was actually about its degradation and collapse.

France under Macron has fallen, but we cannot allow the global elite to turn the rest of the world into Sodom and Gomorrah, where the elite do as they wish, there are no rules, and anything goes.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from ThePeoplesVoice.tv)

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