135 durtinės žaizdos: S. kaltinamas nužudęs vokietę Jennifer K. ir 2 mėnesius palikęs jos kūną savo vonioje

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... 135 durtinės žaizdos: S. kaltinamas nužudęs vokietę Jennifer K. ir 2 mėnesius palikęs jos kūną savo vonioje

In February of this year, the sister of 30-year-old Amandj S. entered his apartment was greeted by a powerful stench. What she found was shocking: the body of a woman who had been lying in a bathtub full of water for weeks.

Investigators descended on Amandj S.’s apartment just a day later in Cologne and found the body of 31-year-old Jennifer K, who the suspect had only met four weeks earlier. Investigators believe the mother of a 1-year-old boy was stabbed on Jan. 1, 2024, a shocking 135 times. In addition, her body was covered by lacerations and bruises, indicating she had met an incredibly violent end.

Although the name Amandj is not a German name, it is unclear what country the man may have come from. However, there is no indication he does not have German citizenship. Many foreigners who have obtained German citizenship have committed crimes in Germany, at which point their crime is only listed as having been committed by a German and not a foreigner.

The man is now on trial in Bonn Regional Court and has already confessed to the crime, according to Bild newspaper. In addition, he has previous convictions and is known to be a drug dealer and consumer of narcotics. While he confessed to the crime, he refused to provide details about how the crime occurred or what led to it, leading investigators unsure of key aspects of the crime, including a motive.

For instance, it is not clear why the woman was in his apartment, and even how long the body was in the apartment remains only an estimate.

However, the little boy, who is still too young to understand what happened to his mother, has been appointed a lawyer to represent his interests in court.

“My client will ask questions at some point about what happened to his mother. I hope that this trial will clarify this question,” said Volker Fritze, the lawyer for the 1-year-old child.

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