Afrikos migrantas išprievartavo ir apvaisino savo 12-metę dukrą Vokietijos pabėgėlių namuose

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Afrikos migrantas išprievartavo ir apvaisino savo 12-metę dukrą Vokietijos pabėgėlių namuose

The 40-year-old Tesfalem A., a migrant from Eritrea, is standing trial for raping and impregnating his own 12-year-old daughter.

The girl first went to the hospital for stomach pains only for doctors to discover that she was five months pregnant. Once an abortion was conducted, a DNA test was ran on the baby’s umbilical cord, which confirmed that the baby’s father was Tesfalem A. The girl was already five months prengant before she went to the doctor.

Tesfalem A. is currently standing trial in the Giessen Regional Court of Hesse. The prosecutor states that the man, who works as a nursing assistant, had “sexual intercourse with his daughter” on July 23, 2023, impregnating her.

The father said in court that he is “sorry from the bottom of my heart.” However, he has not confessed to the specific crime, simply saying he was drunk at the time of the incident after drinking 10 beers and has no memory of the incident.

“I drank too much,” he said. “From that point on, I was no longer in my right mind.”

However, when he first spoke to investigators, he made no mention of being intoxicated, raising the question of whether he is attempting to formulate a justification for his actions after being caught months after the incident.

When the rape took place, his daughter and her father were living in a refugee shelter in Friedberg. The man is a single father and was divorced at the time the girl was raped.

The guardians of the girl say she was traumatized due to the rape and refuses to speak about the incident.

A psychologist said that the girl did not even understand how babies were made when questioned. A police officer speaking to Bild stated: “She is a child – with an absolutely childlike body and not a teenager in terms of personality either. Shy and reserved.”

The trial is ongoing.

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