ŽIŪRĖTI: Nikki Haley Rips Trumpo "vyriškumo daiktai

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... ŽIŪRĖTI: Nikki Haley Rips Trumpo "vyriškumo daiktai

Regime media makes a habit of consulting time and again-proven losers for electoral advice.

On the Democrat side of the ledger, they can’t stop asking Hillary Clinton, who suffered an epic upset defeat in 2016 with every conceivable advantage on her side, what Democrats ought to do to win.

As for the RINOs over at Fox News, they turn to Hillary’s Republican doppelganger, Nimarata “Nikki” Haley, who likewise was defeated in epic fashion by Trump this primary season, for the dispensation of similar lectures.

Via The Daily Beast (emphasis added):

Nikki Haley, the Trump-supporting former South Carolina governor who periodically emerges on cable news to express concerns about the former president’s campaign, did so again Tuesday when she told Fox News that its “overly masculine” nature is unappealing to women.

Haley not only said that the bashing of Puerto Rico that occurred at Trump’s rally over the weekend was problematic, but that the campaign also “needs to look at how they are talking about women.“

“This bromance and this masculinity stuff—it borders on edgy to the point that it’s going to make women uncomfortable,“ Haley told Fox’s Bret Baier. ”You’ve got affiliated PACs that are doing commercials about calling Kamala [Harris] the c-word, or you had speakers at Madison Square Garden referring to her and her ‘pimps.’ That is not the way to win women. That is not the way to win people who are concerned about Trump’s style.”

Not to get too deep into the whataboutism, which is an overplayed rhetorical exercise in my view, but imagine for a moment any politician going on national television and denouncing Karamel-uh’s “femininity stuff” as problematic and demanding she shut up about women’s rights.

We all know what would ensue. The HuffPost-type gynocratic outrage machine would immediately kick into overdrive and whoever made the comment would be forced to perform a groveling mea culpa. It might take them years of twat-licking to slither back into the establishment’s good graces, if they’re offered any path to redemption at all.

Fortunately, from a practical perspective, Nikki Haley is an entirely astroturfed phenomenon with no real populist backing. The only people who would ever listen to her seriously about anything have already early-voted for the Karamel-uh entity and probably helped five illegal aliens do the same.

So her “masculinity stuff” nonsense is unlikely to make any real impact.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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