Ajovos apklausų stebėtojas liudija: "Tūkstančiams nelegalių užsieniečių leidžiama balsuoti"

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Ajovos apklausų stebėtojas liudija: "Tūkstančiams nelegalių užsieniečių leidžiama balsuoti"

An Iowa poll watcher has blown the whistle on the thousands of illegal aliens who are being allowed to vote in her state.

Laynie Marsh volunteered to be a poll watcher when she discovered that illegals are able to vote in the upcoming election.

“I feel like this is something I need to share with every US citizen — I signed up to work this November 5th election poll — The reason why I did this was because I wanted to see firsthand for myself if illegal immigrants are actually being allowed to vote. And I’m here to tell you that yes they are,” she said.

Infowars.com reports: “This is what I’ve been instructed. When someone comes in to vote, obviously you ask for their driver’s license. That’s normal, that’s how it should be. You present that, it gets scanned, and then that information instantly goes into the computer, it pops up a screen. If you’re already registered to vote I will instantly see that.”

“You get a ballot and a concealed envelope. Then you’re prompted on where to go to fill your ballot out. After you finish filling the ballot out, it goes into that concealed envelope and it’s handed back to me. Then it is put into the [voting] machine,” she continued.

“Here’s the problem: illegal immigrants are being given driver’s licenses,” she said. “They are being given non-driving licenses. They look exactly like my license, or all of yours. Whatever state they have chosen to reside in, their license looks exactly the same as that state’s license that everyone possesses. There’s no way for me or anyone else working that day to tell if they’re an actual U.S. citizen from looking at that. And they’re being allowed to vote.”

Marsh went on to explain how the illegal aliens are given a provisional ballot that’s separated from normal ballots and vetted by an unknown poll worker using basic information that doesn’t prove citizenship.

“So this is what we’ve been prompted to do. If they come in and we question it, we’re supposed to confront them. We can flat-out ask them, ‘Are you a U.S. citizen?’. Which, they’re obviously probably going to tell you that they are. And we are to ‘argue’ it if we feel that there’s red flags or we feel that it’s not legit — I don’t know that I feel comfortable doing that,” she said.

If we question it, even if they say they are a U.S. citizen and I still question it, they are still allowed to vote. They will be given this…this is a provisional ballot. Basically what that means is, you still get to vote, they’re handed a ballot just like everyone else. They’re prompted to go fill it out. They also will be given an envelope to put their ballot in. Their ballot envelope looks different from the concealed envelope. That ballot, the provisional ballot is sealed in an envelope, and then they have this information they have to fill out. That is then paper-clipped to the front of the envelope that their voting ballot went in. It is not entered into the machine, it’s not entered into the county voting machine. Those are all accumulated and sent to a different area in the district you are working at.

“And then it has to be verified if that vote is legit, if it counts. They have from November 5th to November 12th, to bring information to verify that they’re actually a U.S. citizen,” she said, adding they only need to provide a utility bill, proof of residence, or a bank statement to “prove” they’re U.S. citizens.

“Someone can walk in on November 12th at 11:59am and say ‘here’s my utility bill’ and it has the address on it that was on their driver’s license, then it’s acceptable. That doesn’t prove that they’re a U.S. citizen,” she noted.

As Infowars reported, several states’ Department of Transportation have provided a step-by-step guide for anyone without documentation of any kind to apply for an ID that can be used to vote in the 2024 election.

Additionally, several swing states are already being criticized for apparent election irregularities, including a bizarre anomaly with Michigan voter rolls that was even called out by Elon Musk.

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