Kamalos kampanijos darbuotojas ugnyje už tai, kad rėkė mažamečiui vaikui į veidą
Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Kamalos kampanijos darbuotojas ugnyje už tai, kad rėkė mažamečiui vaikui į veidą
A Kamala Harris campaign staffer was caught on camera
screaming at a toddler in a stroller outside Kamala’s rally in Houston
on Friday.
The staffer, identified as Jordan Bowen, was seen crouching down to
scream in a toddler’s face before a colleague intervened to prevent a
physical assault.
Kamala Harris now has supporters screaming at little children in strollers.
reports: Bowen reportedly worked as Organizing Director for the Harris
County Democratic Party for years, according to political contribution
dataset website OpenSecrets.
Bowen, the Democrat that violently screamed at a child, has been an
established part of the Harris County Democratic Party for a few years.
She's even paid by them. This is a smattering of what I found on her in a
preliminary search. pic.twitter.com/kT9O7RVjy1
The disturbing video has gone viral on social media, prompting users
to call for her resignation and the Harris campaign to apologize for her
inexcusable action.