Trumpas ir RFK planuoja sausio 20 d. šokiruojančius Gateso ir Fauci areštus

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Trumpas ir RFK planuoja sausio 20 d. šokiruojančius Gateso ir Fauci areštus

“Shock and awe” arrests of Anthony Fauci and senior government officials who perpetrated what Robert F. Kennedy Jr is calling “the crime of the century” are set to take place on January 20, just hours after the inauguration of Donald Trump.

That’s according to Trump team insiders who say Trump is “all in” on punishing the Pharma cartel and their cronies in government for hurting so many children and destroying the health of the nation in the process. 

Robert F. Kennedy has been working his whole life to expose these criminals, and he’s wasting no time in bringing them to justice.

Word is circulating that Trump and RFK Jr are about to put Big Pharma on notice and become the first government in decade to protect our children.

Bill Ackman cited the 73 shot vaccine regimen forced on our kids as part of his reason for supporting Trump during an appearance on CNBC this week.

Watch how quickly the mainstream hosts cut him off and change the topic as soon as Ackman dares to mention the taboo subject of childhood vaccines.

CNBC weren’t willing to discuss the devastating consequences of the 73 shot childhood vaccine regimen.

The mainstream media’s role in enabling the Pharma cartel’s crimes, and then working to cover up the devastating consequences, is not just irresponsible—it’s a crime in its own right.

Let’s take a look at the facts.

Children in the 1960s received a grand total of five shots which was more than enough to keep them healthy, happy and out of harm’s way.

Today, the CDC says that children need at least 72 vaccine shots, with the majority administered in mega doses before the child’s sixth birthday.

What happened between the 60s and today? In 1986, Reagan passed a law that gave legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers. They could no longer be sued for injuries or death caused by their products.

Ask yourself this: if the vaccines are safe, why do they need such legal protection?

Once the law passed, we were suddenly old our children “needed” 48 additional doses of vaccines.

The US now gives more vaccines than any other country, and yet we also have the sickest kids, with autism rates skyrocketing.

The vaccine schedule is a crime against humanity, and RFK Jr and Trump are determined to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

he people are rising up and the elite are running scared.

Public health agencies have refused to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during a Senate roundtable discussion in February on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.”

The numbers don’t lie. The CDC is exponentially more interested in profiting from the ever expanding childhood vaccine schedule than they are in vaccine safety.

Which explains why they are still pushing the ineffective and downright dangerous COVID vaccines on children.

This is cold-blooded murder of the most vile kind, and those responsible must be brought to justice. And believe me, we have only scratched the surface—we haven’t even touched on the plans for the powerful cabal behind the COVID pandemic and mRNA rollout yet.

The childhood vaccine schedule is the highest priority for the Trump and RFK team because protecting children is at the heart of the unity government agenda. But the crimes of the globalist Covid cabal have not been forgotten and they will be punished.

Millions of people around the world have already suffered the tragic consequences of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine roll-out.

Excess deaths are off the charts and young people, including the fit and healthy, are dying in unprecedented numbers.

Big Pharma whistleblowers have identified the mRNA vaccines as a “bioweapon” designed to depopulate humanity.

What if I told you the mRNA vaccines were actually developed by the military, years in advance, and Pfizer and Moderna were simply paid to make it appear like the vaccine came from the pharmaceutical industry?

Over the past four years, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been digging deep into the history of the COVID-19 virus and the mRNA vaccine rollout. His forensic research has uncovered undeniable evidence that the mainstream narrative, pushed relentlessly by the global elite, was nothing more than a stone-cold lie fed to the public.

RFK’s allegations are backed up by simple yet damning mathematics. Bill Gates version of events, in which he heroically pumped billions of dollars into the production of warp speed vaccines, simply does not add up.

They really do think we are stupid.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been warning us for years that Gates is exactly the kind of psycho to play God with the human race. In fact, that is Gates’ whole modus operandi.

The pandemic was a tightly choreographed psy-op on behalf of the global elite to enslave the human race.

Never forget what this Bayer executive admitted in front of the camera.

Not only did he admit the mRNA vaccines are “gene therapy” that change the DNA of humanity forever, he also admits that the gene therapy was falsely marketed as vaccines to gain public trust.

RFK Jr is also looking into a trail of forty dead scientists, all of whom worked for the US government in the years before the pandemic, and all of whom were in a position to blow the whistle on the Covid psy-op.

Some were found stabbed to death in the trunk of cars and some wrapped their vehicles around trees after their brake fluid mysteriously disappeared.

We’re emerging from one of the darkest chapters in human history, but there is light on the horizon—and it’s up to us to reach it.

We must stand united and continue the fight to remove the tyrants from their positions of power and influence. Those responsible for this global coup must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.



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