Sirijos šeima Vokietijoje įvykdė mažiausiai 154 nusikaltimus, įskaitant apiplėšimus, pasikėsinimus nužudyti ir užpuolimus Štutgarte

Nepriklausomos užsienio naujienos... Sirijos šeima Vokietijoje įvykdė mažiausiai 154 nusikaltimus, įskaitant apiplėšimus, pasikėsinimus nužudyti ir užpuolimus Štutgarte

A Syrian family has committed an extraordinary amount of crime in the German city of Stuttgart, leaving police and judicial authorities at a loss on how to deal with their ongoing crime spree. In total, the extended Syrian family is responsible for at least 154 crimes, while the head of the family, 43-year-old Abd Almudy H., who is also an accomplished criminal, blamed the German Youth Welfare Office for the crimes, claiming the agency “spoiled his children.”

One of the youngest criminals in the family is 17-year-old Khalil H. who has committed 34 crimes in just two and half years. He is now serving actual prison time after brutally stabbing a young woman. However, he has three brothers who are in prison as well. In the most recent case, on Wednesday last week, 21-year-old Mufed committed two violent robberies in Stuttgart’s city center within just minutes of one another. He is accused of threatening two girls, both 16, with a box cutter and then stealing their phones, according to Bild.

He then threatened another young woman with a box cutter and demanded her phone but was this time unsuccessful when she resisted. He was arrested after a local police patrol was alerted.

Mufed had just been released from prison two and half months ago after serving three years in prison in a juvenile detention center, according to Focus Magazine. Despite the massive crime spree among the family members, “deportation is currently not possible,” according to authorities.

The total crime count from the 16-person family only came to light after a parliamentary inquiry from the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which was then released by the German interior ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. The data shows the family has conducted 47 physical assaults, 11 threats, two robberies, three robbery-related thefts, one case of smuggling of foreigners, and recently, attempted murder charges have also been added. There are various other less serious crimes on the family’s record. However, these are only the crimes the family has actually been caught doing.

The family is so infamous at this point that they openly speak to the press about their criminal careers. For example, once Mufed was released from prison, he spoke to Bild, saying: “I was in prison for three years for attempted grievous bodily harm and other things. I had to serve my entire sentence because I had problems with fellow prisoners.”

Mufed told Bild he wanted to train as a geriatric nurse, but instead, he has caused mayhem wherever he has gone, saying: “I came to Germany in 2018 and have made a lot of mistakes since then. I damaged a police van. And I hit anyone who was rude to me on the street.”

The family’s crime saga plays out on the pages of German media, but unlike some other organized crime groups in Germany, the family does not appear to be very sophisticated, often simply participating in daylight robberies and stabbings that lead to their quick apprehension.

Mufe’d brother, 19-year-old Edo, is currently facing charges of attempted murder for stabbing three people in a knife fight in 2023, which led to them being seriously injured. He is already in prison for other crimes but is expected to go on trial in Stuttgart along with three other defendants.

The father, Abd Almudy H., has also spoken with Bild, telling reporters that they came from Aleppo in 2015 during the migration crisis. He said one of his two wives died on the journey to Germany, although it is difficult to verify.

The man has a large number of children and even the youngest are already budding criminals.

“I have 13 children,” he said proudly. He said the German Youth Welfare Office is to blame for their massive criminal records.

“The sons who are now in prison were all placed in homes by the youth welfare office without cell phones. But there they allow the young people to smoke marijuana. That’s why they get into trouble,” he said. He blamed the office for “spoiling” his children.

Regarding his 12-year-old son Ali, who is well known to police, the father said: “He was just buying bread in an Arab supermarket. The police stopped him and found a water pistol on him. That’s all…” Whether that’s enough to be put on record by the authorities, that’s rather unlikely.”

The father of the crime clan is also, according to Bild, untruthful about his own criminal record.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. Just drove a bit fast in the car,” he said.

Bild’s reporting uncovered that he had 12 criminal convictions, and the majority of them were for violent crimes and threats.

Abd Almudy H. has high praise for Germany, a country where his family has run rampant with crime, saying: “It is very nice here. Everything that is here is better than Syria. Only the youth welfare office is bad.”

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